Techniques - Page 45 of 198 - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    Northern California August Garden To-Do List

    In the edible garden Harvest your bounty. Summer vegetables are at their best now. August is a time of abundance in the vegetable garden, with bountiful crops of summer squash,…

  • Design

    Learn How to Support Soil Life

    The vitality and resiliency of every garden depends on plants interacting with a vast array of insects, fungi, and microorganisms, especially those that make their homes in the soil. Through…

  • fall veggie garden clean up

    End-of-Season Veggie Garden Tasks

    More gardeners these days see the value of holding off on fall cleanup in ornamental beds, choosing instead to leave stems and seed heads for winter beauty and for providing…

  • How-To

    Battery Power 101

    The biggest disruption to a garden’s peace and serenity typically is the exhaust-laden cacophony of power equipment. Happily, today’s new battery-powered outdoor power equipment offers a quieter, more convenient, more…

  • Article

    Pests and Diseases to Watch Out for in Dahlias

    As beautiful as they are, dahlias are not without their problems. Here are some issues that might plague your plants.   Dahlia mosaic virus Mosaic virus appears as yellow veining…

  • How-To

    A Few Dahlia Quirks to Keep in Mind

    From the time you plant your dahlia tubers to the time they start to bloom can be more than three months. But they are worth the wait. Be sure to…

  • How-To

    Northern Plains August Garden To-Do List

    Support your plants. Top-heavy plants such as delphiniums (Delphinium spp. and cvs., Zones 3–8), dahlias (Dahlia spp. and cvs., Zones 8–11), and lilies (Lilium spp. and cvs., Zones 4–9) will…

  • How-To

    Southern Plains August Garden To-Do List

    August is the month when many gardeners in our region dream of moving to cooler climes. Northern gardeners lament the month of January, but we suffer through August’s doldrums instead.…

  • How-To

    Southwest August Garden To-Do List

    It’s just plain HOT! There’s no sugarcoating the heat in the desert right now. If you’re like us, you head outside only in the early morning and late evening if…

  • How-To

    Mountain West August Garden To-Do List

    It’s harvest time! In my garden, harvest season takes off in August. Beans, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are producing steadily. Stay on top of harvesting to encourage more flowering…