Vegetables - Page 2 of 63 - Fine Gardening
Peonies vs. Tomatoes—Discuss | Letter from the Editor
Folks often say that tomatoes are the gateway plants to becoming a gardener. The idea is that people get truly hooked on this hobby of ours once they grow something…
Dwarf Tomatoes Produce Abundant Fruit With a Small Plant
Imagine it—stocky, handsome tomato plants that need less-aggressive staking, rarely exceed 5 feet in height, and offer fruit choices in different sizes and colors. Want more? OK, they taste delicious.…
Kitchen Gardening
New Veggie Varieties to Try This Year
For what seems like 8 million years, I have grown ‘Tomatoberry’. It’s a small cherry tomato variety that is not rare or superflashy, but it works well for me, so…
Readers Tips: Repurposed Tools in the Garden Used to Great Effect
Winning Tip: From the kitchen to the garden Several times a year a visitor to our garden is shocked to find a rogue steak knife pierced downward in one of…
Cool Trellising Ideas
A trellis is a utilitarian thing. Normally, vines scramble along the ground until they find something to climb on. We gardeners, always seeking to help a plant out, are smart…
Keith’s Vegetable Garden
We’re visiting with Keith Irvine today, who gardens in chilly Zone 3 in Oxdrift, Ontario. We visited Keith’s garden before (Keith's Zone 3 Garden). I would have to say that…
Tips to Keep a Vegetable Garden Healthy and Productive in the Midwest
My first memories of a vegetable garden are of large sunflowers (Helianthus annuus and cvs., annual) growing in our backyard when I was about five years old and my mom…
Gardening in North Dakota
Today’s photos are from Shiloh in Williston, North Dakota, a chilly spot at the edge of Zones 3 and 4, but that doesn’t stop Shiloh from having a beautiful, productive…
Tips for Growing Hot Peppers
Peppers are native to the tropics, which explains why they thrive in warm weather. As tempting as it is to get a jump-start on the gardening season, do not plant…
The Best Hot Pepper Varieties to Grow
Who doesn’t want a little more spice in their life? When it comes to growing edibles, hot peppers are among the easiest and most savory options to put on the…