Vegetables - Page 2 of 63 - Fine Gardening

  • Sword Dance peonies

    Peonies vs. Tomatoes—Discuss | Letter from the Editor

    Folks often say that tomatoes are the gateway plants to becoming a gardener. The idea is that people get truly hooked on this hobby of ours once they grow something…

  • dwarf tomatoes

    Dwarf Tomatoes Produce Abundant Fruit With a Small Plant

    Imagine it—stocky, handsome tomato plants that need less-aggressive staking, rarely exceed 5 feet in height, and ­offer fruit choices in different sizes and colors. Want more? OK, they taste delicious.…

  • Planted rows of different vegetables in the garden.
    Kitchen Gardening

    New Veggie Varieties to Try This Year

    For what seems like 8 million years, I have grown ‘Tomatoberry’. It’s a small cherry tomato variety that is not rare or superflashy, but it works well for me, so…

  • serrated kitchen knife stuck into a garden bed

    Readers Tips: Repurposed Tools in the Garden Used to Great Effect

    Winning Tip: From the kitchen to the garden Several times a year a visitor to our garden is shocked to find a rogue steak knife pierced downward in one of…

  • An arbor trellis with hanging gourds

    Cool Trellising Ideas

    A trellis is a utilitarian thing. Normally, vines scramble along the ground until they find something to climb on. We gardeners, always seeking to help a plant out, are smart…

  • close up of raised bed filled with mature greens

    Keith’s Vegetable Garden

    We’re visiting with Keith Irvine today, who gardens in chilly Zone 3 in Oxdrift, Ontario. We visited Keith’s garden before (Keith's Zone 3 Garden). I would have to say that…

  • healthy and productive vegetable garden

    Tips to Keep a Vegetable Garden Healthy and Productive in the Midwest

    My first memories of a vegetable garden are of large sunflowers (Helianthus annuus and cvs., annual) growing in our backyard when I was about five years old and my mom…

  • perfect rows of vegetable crops in a large garden bed

    Gardening in North Dakota

    Today’s photos are from Shiloh in Williston, North Dakota, a chilly spot at the edge of Zones 3 and 4, but that doesn’t stop Shiloh from having a beautiful, productive…

  • Growing Hot Peppers

    Tips for Growing Hot Peppers

    Peppers are native to the tropics, which explains why they thrive in warm weather. As tempting as it is to get a jump-start on the gardening season, do not plant…

  • The Best Hot Peppers Varieties to Grow

    The Best Hot Pepper Varieties to Grow

    Who doesn’t want a little more spice in their life? When it comes to growing edibles, hot peppers are among the easiest and most savory options to put on the…