Vegetables - Page 9 of 63 - Fine Gardening

  • Minutina

    Delicious Winter Greens for Northern California

    In late winter, rain or cold weather often keeps Northern California gardeners indoors moping about, perusing catalogs, and planning for the year ahead. Outside, in rose gardens and perennial beds,…

  • grandchild in the garden

    Gardening Through a Difficult Year

    Today we’re in Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada, visiting with Kim Herdman. The year 2020 was very stressful for everyone with the pandemic, and for us the pandemic just made…

  • Faelan’s First Snow tomato

    Expert Picks: The Best Tomato to Add to Your Veggie Garden

    Tomatoes are a favorite crop of many home gardeners, who love the fresh flavor and variety they can achieve when they grow their own. But despite the overwhelming number of…

  • Video

    Seed-Starting Tips and Techniques (Webinar)

    Starting plants from seed opens a world of possibilities to gardeners of all skill levels. Many vegetables, annual flowers, and even perennial plants can be started from seed using a…

  • Design

    Shelter-at-Home Garden Projects

    Today’s photos come from Karen Howe, who is sharing some of the things she's been up to during this year of staying home and staying safe. I garden on a…

  • dill in bloom

    Southern Plains December Garden To-Do List

    Plant cool-season herbs. You might not think of December as a good month to add new plantings to your vegetable garden, but cool-season herbs are perfectly happy to be planted…

  • planting fruit trees

    South December Garden To-Do List

    Plant fruit trees. Peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, apples, and persimmons all appreciate cool air and warmer soil. The roots are busy growing without having to support all that foliage. Established…

  • Design

    Teaching Kids to Garden

    Today we’re visiting with Cassie Elliott, who is growing vegetables and also a pair of young gardeners! Cassie has put in a new vegetable garden, full of delicious produce and…

  • How-To

    Northern Plains October Garden To-Do List

    Mulch in place. Keeping up with the raking and blowing of leaves in the fall can be a never-ending task, especially when every breeze in our windy region brings in…

  • Design

    Turning a Deck and Pool Into a Garden

    I’m Lia Noterile in Middletown, New Jersey, which is Zone 7. I’m a fairly new veggie gardener. What started out as my quarantine project is now my new love. My…