Mark Dwyer
Midwest Regional Reports
Bonsai 101: Lessons from the Chicago Botanic Garden
While I enjoy experiencing all types of plants at the botanic gardens I visit, I have always been entranced by stunning bonsai specimens and actively seek out bonsai collections whenever…
Restorative Garden Design: Create a Healing and Tranquil Outdoor Space
A garden space that encourages sensory engagement and contact with nature can inspire feelings of familiarity, comfort, positive distraction, and security. Simply stated, we feel better when we’re outdoors. Studies…
Midwest Regional Reports
Grow a Halloween Garden with These Spooky Plants
As the garden season wraps up and kids are selecting their Halloween costumes with visions of tricks and treats, there are some neat, spooky plants that can be enjoyed in…
Midwest Regional Reports
Setting Up a Three-Bin Compost System
The value of having compost available for use in the home garden is immeasurable, and the convenience of creating that compost on-site for instant availability adds to the reward. Of…
Midwest Regional Reports
Native Plants for Summer Interest in the Midwest
Whorled Milkweed Asclepias verticillata Zones: 3–9 Size: 1 to 2½ feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; adaptable to a wide range of…
Midwest Regional Reports
Fast-Growing Warm-Season Vegetables
While we might be waiting for tomatoes or peppers to ripen later in the summer, some tasty treasures will be prolific and supply the kitchen in short order. As cooler…
Cheap Garden Tools With Multiple Uses
These versatile tubs can haul anything from weeds to water Tested by Mark Dwyer The Gorilla Tubs from Red Gorilla are made of a thick rubberized plastic. They are high…
Midwest Regional Reports
Moon Garden Inspiration
My wife and I are both avid gardeners, but we typically only find time to sit and enjoy the landscape at dusk or after sunset. To maximize the evening appeal…
Midwest Regional Reports
Have You Visited the Garfield Park Conservatory?
The winter doldrums are a reality in the Midwest, especially for gardeners, but an immersive plant adventure at your local conservatory is a sure way to lift your spirits. Fortunately,…
Midwest Regional Reports
Winter Herb Gardening: Easy Herbs to Grow in a Cold Frame
Cold frames are a great way to get a jump-start on or extend the gardening season. An easy way to get started with cold-frame growing is to put it to…