Garden Photo of the Day

Autumn in Central Park

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Petra Williams

Here’s a treat to end the week: a series of photos from Petra Williams‘ recent visit to Central Park in New York City! She says, “I was fortunate to take a long walk through New York City’s Central Park on what was a peak day recently. Since it was a spur of the moment decision, I didn’t have my camera with me, only my iPhone.

“I started near the top of the park in the Conservatory Garden. The cherry trees reveal their wonderful architecture now that the leaves are down. The formal garden with the fountain had the must exuberant mum display that I’ve ever seen.”

I ADORE that garden, Petra. It’s not widely known, never crowded, and always drop dead gorgeous. If anyone is visiting NYC anytime soon, OK maybe next summer, It’s as high on my list as the High Line for places to visit. Petra, your iPhone photos are ridiculously crisp and high-quality. Those phone cameras keep getting better and better. Thanks for this tour!

**** The push is still on–get outside and take some last minute shots, or compile a few you took earlier in the season. I’ll be eternally grateful…. Email them to [email protected]. Thanks! ****

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  1. dirtgirl1949 11/15/2013

    Just loving the shots of Central Park in Autumn. We visited there in 2005 and seeing these pics brings back such lovely memories of a stunning park.

  2. wGardens 11/15/2013

    Wow! Who knew! I would never have guessed you could get all these photos without other people there. It is beautiful. Great photos. Guess I'd better put that on my "bucket list" too!

  3. user-1020932 11/15/2013

    i always always enjoy public gardens in an urban setting and this one is especially nice. color, perfectly groomed and a wonderful sanctuary. living here in a small southern rural town a public garden consists usually of 2 bradford pears, 3 crape myrtle and a handful of knock out roses :(

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    meander_michaele 11/15/2013

    Petra, you are so right about how intriguingly beautiful the trunk and branching of the leafless cherry trees are. As glorious as the are in the spring when they are smothered in blossoms, for me, there is something positively mesmerizing about the twists and turns of the aged branches...ha, maybe that's because I'm on the verge of developing some twists and turns of my own extremities!
    Great shots of everything.

  5. pattyspencer 11/15/2013

    In any season this is a beautiful park. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures

  6. celiahoneysuckle 11/15/2013

    I have never seen such gnarly cherry trees! I love them.

  7. Candycane1962 11/15/2013

    Just Beautiful!!! Thank you Petra for sharing these pictures of Central Park. I definitely want to walk through Central Park on my next trip to New York City just to see this beauty.

  8. passinthru 11/15/2013

    What a beautiful, magical place where you least expect it. Thanks so much for sharing these photos, Petra. I recently watched a documentary called "Birders: The Central Park Effect." It is a charming film about the many people who bird-watch in the park, available for download via Netflix.

  9. TeriCA 11/15/2013

    Thank you so much for sharing these pictures! And btw, your iPhone did great! I have never been to New York City, but when I go, Central Park is of course on my list! I loved your visual autumn tour!

  10. GrannyMay 11/15/2013

    Thanks Petra for sharing your visit to Central Park with us, via iPhone. You have done that beautifully! Great shots! These lovely gardens deserve to be shared.

    I love that phone and digital camera technology, plus the internet, now give all of us the opportunity to visit all kinds of gardens from anywhere, right from our own homes. And many thanks too to GPOD and Michelle, for providing the vehicle for doing this.

  11. sheila_schultz 11/15/2013

    I could look at those trees all day long... who needs the flowers, and obviously, who needs a camera? Thanks Petra!

  12. greengenes 11/15/2013

    Oh yes! I will go there some day! Beautiful colors and settings. New York has a great place to go! Thanks for sharing!

  13. cwheat000 11/15/2013

    Truly an amazing garden. Olmsted and Vaux had incredible vision. These are some great views I have never seen.Thank you so much. The first shot is of mums? Wow!

  14. tractor1 11/15/2013

    I have to agree they aren't bad photos for a phone cam. But I think it's mostly the great compositions, I like that last one best with the leaves covering the walk... unfortunately the day was overcast but on a trip that can't be avoided and overcast is a typical fall day in NYC. Thank you, Petra, I always enjoy a trip to Central Park, I spent much time there in my younger days.

  15. PetraW 11/15/2013

    I was curious about how old those cherries might be. The website doesn't tell us that but it does give a bit of the garden's history.

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments, I very much enjoy going to gardens and I especially like to share that experience with others.

  16. PetraW 11/15/2013

    I agree Tractor1, you can't always pick your weather. Several years ago I was able to get an invitation to Les Quatre Vents in Quebec. The moment we stepped out of the car, the steady downpour began. Since this was the one opportunity tht we had to see the garden, we walked around in the rain. I have to say, a sunny day might have felt better, but boy is that a marvelous garden. It lost nothing in the rain.

  17. tractor1 11/15/2013

    PetraW: I agree, when traveling you can't choose the weather. But still your photos are amazing, you have a good eye for composition and balance, even your bottom photo on the left has a portion of sky, reflected in the pool... excellent! You possess an innate ability, you are a very talented photographer. I hope to see many more of your photos.

  18. janeeliz 11/15/2013

    Petra, such lovely photos of this exceptional park. Oh, the sculptured trees, the unusual grace and colors of the mums, everything… It's going on my ' bucket list'. too! Thanks

  19. Wife_Mother_Gardener 11/17/2013

    Beautiful photos of a beautiful garden! Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Andyb97 01/16/2014

    Lovely photos. Thinking of booking a trip to New York in December , can you tell me what flowers are in bloom in Central Park at that time?

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