Garden Photo of the Day

Bela’s Croatian Garden

Bela shared her lovelyn Croatian garden with us today – isn't it fun to tour gardens in places you've never been to?

"Greetings from Zagreb, Croatia! Twenty years ago we moved from the center of town on the western edge of town to be able to live away from the noise, and a window view of nature. We found the field (1500m2) which did not grow the grass and the plants, but old conifers, fir and spruce. The first three years we swept the terrain, and then little by little we are planting seedlings, and all the cuttings. For years we have waited for our plants grow up and show all her beauty. Our garden was created solely from our work and love. Without money. We have more than 100 species of plants. We love flowering shrubs and perennials. We would like more variety of unusual plants, but in our garden centers does not have a great variety of plants."

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View 26 comments


  1. user-7007857 10/15/2015

    Hello Bela, you both grew a garden the way we are suppose to. You worked with nature it nature gave you a beautiful and restful space

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      That is true. Nature always returns twice.

  2. Quiltingmamma 10/15/2015

    What a beautiful, natural, and private piece of paradise. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. user-4691082 10/15/2015

    Oh, Bela what a serene place to enjoy nature! I can't believe you created that with little to no money. Your pond is a natural fit in the landscape. Just beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  4. Chris_N 10/15/2015

    A very peaceful, relaxing looking garden. Love the Abyssinian gladiolus in the fourth photo. Is that an Eryngium in the last photo?

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      At last photo is fatsia japonica.

  5. belaaroma 10/15/2015

    Thank you all for your lovely comments.

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/15/2015

    I sincerely understand your desire to move to a more country type setting to enjoy what nature provides as well as giving you an opportunity to garden more expressively. You are doing a beautiful job and reaping the rewards of your physical effort as well as your creativity in planning the shape of a path or garden bed. And one of the best parts is the background sounds being birds chirping and singing their songs. Continue to enjoy!

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      I think it's our best life decision.

  7. PeonyFan 10/15/2015

    It looks beautiful and it is interesting to know that Fatsia japonica will grow outdoors in Croatia. Thank you for sharing.

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      Due to climate change, winters are not so sharp, and we decided to leave out some plants and managed to survive. This year we will try to Alocasia (Upright Elephant Ears). We have several large pieces that have no place in the house.

  8. wittyone 10/15/2015

    Bela it's obvious that yours has been a labor of love. Using what you have and what is generally available gives the gardener an opportunity to exercise their ingenuity and smart planning. Your flower beds are full and lovely and the little paths and the pond that you have created are perfect additions. I can imagine how much you appreciate the quiet with just the sounds of nature filling the air. I hope you have many more years to enjoy your garden and to continue to add to the beautiful landscape you have already established.

  9. belaaroma 10/15/2015

    Again thank you all for your words of support. Our garden feels proud. :))

  10. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/15/2015

    What a treat to visit your garden today! It is lovely and full of textures, patterns and colors. It's really come into its own, birthed from your love, labor and vision. Great plants despite the limits you have faced. Is Bela Aroma your full name or just your posting name? It is beautiful. Seems like it means 'Beautiful Scent', if we were to mix up several languages!

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      Bela is my nickname, short for the surname.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/15/2015

        Lovely nickname!

  11. christianesterges 10/15/2015

    marvellous achievement.... our youngest son spent part of his holidays in beautiful Croatia !

  12. greengenes 10/15/2015

    Wonderful job, Bela! I love all the foliage and textures. What is the tree to the right in the first picture? You have created a little bit of paradise! Its so worth the wait and to enjoy it is even better! Thankyou for showing us what Croatia is like with your garden. Some day I would like to come there to see your country!

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      Albizia julibrissin, we get a young plant from the island of Pag and waited 15 years to bloom.

  13. jagardener 10/15/2015

    MIchelle you have really created a ' united nations' of gardeners/ gardens. Thank you. `

  14. jagardener 10/15/2015

    I love to see the many shades of green even if I can't identify the plants.

  15. zeljkaradickrznaric 10/15/2015

    :D :D

    1. belaaroma 10/15/2015

      Baš je lijepo vidjeti te ovdje!

  16. wGardens 10/15/2015

    Lovely! What a great achievement. A wonderful decision to move... and your love and determination sure made for a great outcome. Much to be proud of. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Cenepk10 10/15/2015

    Glorious !!!!! So delighted to visit your beautiful country & garden. Pass along plants from cuttings or clumps from friends are among my most prized plants in my garden. I moved to the countryside 3 years ago & started my current garden. Totally appreciate the time it takes & the patience ( ! ) it requires to realize such a gorgeous end product ! Grateful I got to see it !!!

    1. belaaroma 10/16/2015

      Yes, be patient and wait years for a plant to grow and delight. But it is priceless.

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