These perennials from the prairies and open woodlands of eastern and central North America produce spikes of pinkish purple or white button-like flowers that, when open, appear fringed. They open from the top of the spike down, which is unusual in the plant world. Leaves are grassy and grow in tufts. Grow massed in a border or meadow, or plant in a cut flower garden.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsNorth American natives. Spikes of fringed or feathery flowers that open from the top downward. Attracts bees and butterflies. Good cut flowers.
CareGrow in full sun in a light, moist, but well-drained soil. L. spicata needs consistently moist soil. Protect from excessive winter moisture.
PropagationStart seed in a cold frame in fall, or divide in spring.
ProblemsSlugs and snails may damage plants, while stem rot, rust, and leaf spots commonly occur.