Summer Interest - Page 12 of 202 - Fine Gardening

  • Deinanthe caerulea

    5 Unusual Blooming Perennials for Shade

    When we think “shade,” we typically think foliage. And when we do think of flowering perennials for shade, the same old ones come to mind, such as astilbe (Astilbe spp.…

  • eremurmus

    Spectacular Summer Flowering Bulbs for the Pacific Northwest 

    Spring is fading fast, and memories of the daffodil and tulip bulbs that we filled our beds and containers with are starting to fade also. Now is the time to…

  • early summer allium

    ‘Ambassador’ Allium: A Towering Beauty for the Early Summer Garden

    I have grown alliums for their stunning architectural form for years, but one is by far my favorite: ‘Ambassador’. Although its bulb is related to garlic, onions, and shallots, this…

  • hardy garden design

    Designing a Hardy Garden

    I have often thought of myself as “gardening against the odds.” My rural Black Earth, Wisconsin, garden is adjacent to a marsh and pond and is technically in Zone 5a,…

  • three bouquets of white, yellow, and pink flowers

    A Cut-Flower Garden for the Community

    Hey GPODers! Today's submission is one that gives you those warm-and-fuzzy feelings. It started with a message from Elizabeth on behalf of her friend, Sue: Hello, Fine Gardening. My friend,…

  • rose covered in yellow blooms growing across a porch fence

    Connie’s New Garden

    Today’s photos are from Connie Raines in Georgia. I am a hobby gardener and a professional interior designer. I learned about plants and flowers while tending my own small city…

  • close up of bright orange daylily

    Anticipating the Colors of Summer

    Today’s photos are from Lee. The winter was a mellow one here in the Mohawk Valley in central New York State. Spring has been fairly warm, but I can't wait…

  • large climbing rose with light pink flowers

    Best of the GPOD: Roses

    We get to see tons of beautiful plants on the GPOD, but almost nothing gets people quite as excited as beautiful displays of roses. So today we’re celebrating some of…

  • annuals for southwestern gardens

    The Best Annuals for Southwestern Gardens

    Annual plants are a garden designer’s secret weapon. Endlessly versatile and extremely showy, annuals add nonstop color without a high price or a lot of work. They are perfect for…

  • mixed planting of various azaleas

    Guide to Growing Great Azaleas

    One group of plants you can use to create a blooming bridge between spring and summer are azaleas (Rhododendron spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). As one of the most popular…