Foliage - Page 21 of 69

  • Heucheras in a variety of colors

    The Best Heucheras for Northern California

    Long appreciated for their airy blooms and charming, carefree nature, native heucheras (Heuchera spp. and cvs., Zones 4–9) were gleaned from their mountain and woodland habitats many years ago to…

  • Magma heuchera

    ‘Magma’ Heuchera Will Have You Going Gaga for Foliage

    Yes, we all want flowers whenever and wherever we can get them, but don’t forget that foliage plants are your stalwart garden workhorses. With this knockout heuchera, you get the…

  • entire view of garden with large stone border

    Bob’s Japanese-Style Garden

    We recently visited Bob and Linda Vivian’s beautiful Pennsylvania garden (Gardening in Pennsylvania), and today Bob is welcoming us back to take a tour of their Japanese-style garden. This view…

  • Purple shamrock

    What is a Shamrock and How do You Grow Them?

    Shamrocks (Oxalis spp. and cvs., Zones 3–11), also known as wood sorrels, are beloved annual and perennial plants known for their distinctive foliage that resembles clover (Trifolium spp.). Shamrock leaves…

  • Cherry laurel leaf covered in ice

    Ice Storm in Laura’s Garden

    Today’s photos are from Laura. After a sudden drop in temperature, my suburban Philadelphia garden was transformed with a shimmering coating of ice. Without much forethought but with my cell…

  • garden bed full of bright, colorful foliage plants

    Alan’s Rural Garden Beauty

    Today we're visiting with Alan Weisberg. I live in the foothills of Haycock Mountain in rural southeastern Pennsylvania, I’ve been gardening for 45 years on three acres of what was…

  • String Theory Bluestar

    Plants for the Southeast to Add to Your Shopping List

    Whether you're walking through your local garden center, flipping through the pages of your favorite catalog, or scrolling the website of an online retailer, the sheer number of plant choices…

  • Vestal Wood Anemone

    Plants for the Northeast to Add to Your Shopping List

    Whether you're walking through your local garden center, flipping through the pages of your favorite catalog, or scrolling the website of an online retailer, the sheer number of plant choices…

  • stone front steps with lots of plants on both sides

    Gardening in Pennsylvania

    Today Bob and Linda Vivian are sharing their Pennsylvania garden with us. There’s plenty of garden here to keep Linda and me busy. We don’t mind it at all. It’s…

  • best new perennials

    Best New Plants: Perennials

    Each year we do a feature in our big spring issue introducing folks to a slew of new offerings from plant breeders. But this is not simply a list of…