Ground Covers - Page 14 of 52 - Fine Gardening
Lawn Talk: Springtime Blotchiness May Be a Symptom of Fungal Disease
It’s spring and your lawn furniture is all in place, just screaming for a backyard barbeque. While you’re contemplating whether to serve chicken or steak, your plans come to a…
Creating a Low-Maintenance Garden
Sustainable approaches decrease chores and increase enjoyment
Mulch for a Healthy Garden
Top-dress your beds to protect plants, conserve water, suppress weeds, and nourish soil
Covering Ground With Creeping Plants
These herbaceous ground covers spread quickly and are easy-care favorites
Create a Pebble Mosaic
Make edging, stepping stones, or even a small patio with river rocks and mortar
Plant Guide
Hardy hummingbird trumpet
Zauschneria arizonicaThis heat-loving native Southwestern species has gray-green leaves and grows to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide.