Ground Covers - Page 17 of 52 - Fine Gardening

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    ‘Ice Dance’ variegated sedge

    Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'

    'Ice Dance' is a dense, spreading sedge grown for its foliage.

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    ‘Sweet Dreams’ coreopsis

    Coreopsis rosea 'Sweet Dreams'

    The bicolored, white-tipped and raspberry-centered blooms are large (1 to 1.

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    Corydalis solida

    This species produces mauve-pink, purple, or white flower spikes in spring over deeply divided gray-green leaves that are barely 10 inches tall.

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    Chamaemelum nobile and cvs.

    A hardy perennial, chamomile has aromatic, threadlike leaves that fill the air with a pleasing apple-pineapple scent.

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    Spring beauty

    Claytonia virginica

    This low-growing, spring-blooming succulent touts 5-petaled, pale-pink striped flowers with strap-like foliage that continues to grow after bloom but disappears in late spring when the plants go into dormancy.

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    Creeping Goldenstar

    Chrysogonum virginianum ‘Eco-Lacquered Spider’

    Goldenstar is a creeping groundcover with long, reddish-green leaf stalks and opposite, heart-shaped, hairy mid-green leaves.

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    ‘Zagreb’ Thread-leaved tickseed

    Corepsis verticillata ‘Zagreb'

    'Zagreb' produces star-like blossoms in egg-yolk yellow in early summer on plants 12 inches tall and wide.

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    Sweet autumn clematis

    Clematis terniflora

    This deciduous, late-flowering twining vine with deep green leaves and profuse, fragrant white flowers is easy to grow and will thrive and bloom in shade.

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    English daisy

    Bellis perennis

    English daisy bears stems topped with a single white, daisy-like flower.

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    ‘Ursula’s Red’ Japanese painted fern

    Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Ursula's Red'

    The broad silvery leaves of ‘Ursula’s Red’ have a showy burgundy band at the center of the leaves in spring.