Uses - Page 41 of 340 - Fine Gardening
Judy’s Virginia Garden
My name is Judy. I have been gardening for many years but with no formal training. I have learned a lot by trial and error. My husband and I moved…
Revisiting AcAcia’s Garden
We’re in Houston today visiting with AcAcia Johnson. We’ve visited her garden before to see her beautiful roses, which she grows in containers (Roses in Texas). Today she’s back to…
GPOD on the Road: Pike Place Market
Cherry Ong recently visited Seattle's Pike Place Market, which is a famous farmers market; however, she was focused not on the fresh produce for sale, but on the beautiful plantings.…
Five Years in a New Garden and Climate
Joan Galloway is sharing the most recent phase of her gardening life with us today. I gardened for 30 years in British Columbia’s Pacific Northwest region near Vancouver. It is…
Keith’s Japanese-Inspired Garden
Keith Irvine, in chilly Zone 3 in Canada, shared his gorgeous vegetable garden with us last week (Keith's Vegetable Garden), and today we’re visiting a different section of the garden.…
Paula’s Ottawa Garden
Today we’re visiting Paula Brown's beautiful garden in Ottawa, Ontario. I love my plants, and they love me. These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago, and more plants…
Melina’s Seattle Area Garden
My name is Melina. Welcome to my Zone 8a garden in the Seattle area. It has been a few years since I have shared photos of my garden with you…
Volunteers in Catherine’s Garden
We’re visiting Catherine’s Dickerson’s garden today in San Diego. We’ve visited before (A Little Slice of Heaven in San Diego), and it is always a pleasure to see what is…
4 Great Plants for Small Spaces in the Pacific Northwest
I’ve been asked many times, “What’s a great plant for a small space?” As land becomes more expensive and first-time home buyers are starting out, there are lots of properties…
Summer in Indiana
We’re visiting with Joseph today in his northern Indiana garden. It has been a great summer so far in my garden. Other than one errant hailstorm that tore up my…