Uses - Page 42 of 340 - Fine Gardening
Garden Tour with Cherry
Today, frequent GPOD contributor Cherry Ong is taking us along on a garden tour she was able to go on in June. The tour was part of a four-day plant-study…
More of Enrique and Christian’s Garden
Today we’re back in the Forest Park, Illinois, garden of Enrique Zuniga and Christian Altman, a space they transformed from a blank piece of turfgrass into a beautiful garden that…
9 of the Most Beautiful Berry-Producing Plants to Feed the Birds
Flowers are usually the first things that grab our attention when we are selecting plants to add to our landscapes. However, most plants only flower for a short period of…
How to Choose a Garden Color Palette
Because color is so personal, it’s often one of the easiest design elements to nail down; people immediately know which colors they like and dislike. However, when choosing your garden…
Growing Peace Lilies: Care and Unique Cultivars
Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp. and cvs., Zones 11–12) are evergreen perennials native to much of Central America and Southeast Asia. But their glossy leaves and tan, spiky flowers surrounded by…
Planting Plan for a Landscape with Challenging Conditions
Living and working in northwestern Oregon, garden designer Wesley Younie is no stranger to dealing with challenging environments. When presented with this garden’s elevation changes, drainage management, and extreme climate…
4 Ways to Get More Compost
My grandmother taught me that you cannot just take from a garden; you must always give back and care for the soil. This is a lesson I apply to any…
Plants That Are Easy to Grow Even in Challenging Conditions
I am often asked to recommend plants for problematic garden areas during my call-in radio program or after public-speaking engagements. As a result, over the years I have developed a…
3 Gorgeous Planting Plans for a Late-Summer Show
There's a reason they call these the dog days of summer. Much like our overworked air conditioners, our gardens are now looking rather exhausted. Soaring temps might be good for…
‘Traveler’ Hemlock Is Resistant to Wooly Adelgid
If you’ve been heartbroken by the loss of a hemlock tree (Tsuga spp. and cvs., Zones 3–8) to woolly adelgid, you’re not alone. Researchers at the U.S. National Arboretum have…