
It’s Time to Think About Outdoor Entertaining

After you’ve put in seemingly endless hours working on making your garden picture perfect, there needs to be a spot where you sit back and enjoy all those beautiful plants (while showing off to friends and family). Learn how to create comfortable, flexible, and safe gathering places in the garden.



  • Design

    Garden Rooms for Entertaining

    Gardeners often have trouble making time to simply sit and enjoy their gardens. After all, that flower bed needs weeding, the veggie garden needs watering, the containers need to be fertilized, and there's that pesky groundhog to chase. But it's important to stop once in a while to relax and take in your surroundings.

  • Design

    Simplify Your Color Scheme

    When it comes to color in the garden, following rules or color theories to a T won't always get you the best results. Instead, design with a few basic parameters and you'll achieve natural harmony in your plant palette.
  • Darmera and Japanese primroses

    Spring Planting Ideas

    If you revel in springtime and think of it as more than just a time to plant, you’ll love these combos that kick off the season in style. You might just feel inspired to get more spring bloomers in the ground for next year.
  • Article

    Improved Varieties of Old Favorites

    Ever notice how often popular plants prove to be problem children? Luckily for us, the vast majority of troublesome popular plants have at least one cultivar that improves on the original without losing its original charm.
  • designing containers

    How to Design Great Containers at the Nursery

    The best way to assemble a winning container combination is not to be shy about mixing and matching plant and container options at the garden center. You’ll soon find a composition that strikes your fancy. Read this article to get some tips on container design.