Garden Photo of the Day

Eddi’s garden, indoors and out, in Ohio

Japanese maple

Today's photos are from Eddi Reid in Columbus, Ohio, who says, "I am sharing two sets of photos – one outside set and another of the inside winter garden. The beauty of the snow in early winter highlights the structure of plants, trees, and hardscape. While the snow and frigid temperatures reign outside, inside our front entry all is warm and plant-filled. This is where we can still bask in sunshine whilst watching birds both inside and out." Eddi, judging from your winter scenes, you need to send us more photos this summer! Wonderful structure, and I can just imagine inhaling the planty goodness in your entryway. Smells like spring! Thanks for sharing.

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Gate through to "Stephen's Grove," a garden of memories. The gate is guarded by two large ornamental pear trees planted in 2000 as a wedding gift to our daughter and husband from a close friend.  They chose to be married, in (her words), "the most beautiful place in the world!" Alberta spruce and snowball viburnum stand just before the gate with an ash tree to the right. Honeysuckle and wisteria cover the fence.

Spruce, ash, and Japanese maple by the side gate

Huge locust overhanging my favorite bench, with wild locust and red oak backed by Norwegian spruce. This was a decrepit tree, so badly damaged that I asked my husband to cut it down then I nurtured one small shoot until we have this beautiful tree.  1984 – now.

Amelanchier leans down to embrace a fountain and mingle with the branches of spice bush.

Begonia – unknown type

Coleus and pink geranium

Geranium and bougainvillea

Lilies,succulents, geraniums, and planters full of sprouting amaryllis – last year we had more than twenty blooms – they were glorious.

Norfolk Island pine with grey Dusty Miller and more geraniums, plus a very large begonia (again an unknown type – a gift.   The cage contains three parakeets.

View 63 comments


  1. Nurserynotnordstroms 02/21/2015

    Eddie,I am a bird lover also I raised Gouldian finches ,very beautiful birds,I no longer keep birds indoors but I am an avid bird watcher. I always document when and where I see different species that I haven't seen before. I love the the gate through to"Stephens Grove"photo it is so very picturesque. I am getting cold just looking at all of these snow photos ,does life go on in Columbus Ohio with this much snow?here in Seattle schools would be closed and we have few plows so some streets become impassible. Do your plants in the front entry all go outdoors in the Spring?I love the first begonia such beautiful coloring,I can't seem to get enough pictures of Begonias lately I am going to pick more up this year at my favorite nurserys. I will look very forward to seeing your gardens again in the Spring or Summer,will you please send in more pictures for all of us to enjoy?

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      You are very kind. My birds arrived when the children all left and I couldn't stand the quiet! Now, the constant twitterings and chirps are a beautiful background to my days. They also love the outside birds and react to the sight and sound of them as they visit the feeders.
      I really need to track down the botanical names of all those begonias! A new project. These were all gifts and came as small divisions - once established they grow like Topsy. I love the foliage,too.
      Columbus deals very well with snow - it seems to manage most things, although most schools close if the windchill is severe,
      I am constantly envious of your climate in the PNW. Lucky lady.

    2. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

      As Eddi says, Columbus deals well with the snow. I work at the university and in the almost-30 years I've worked here, it has almost never closed. We are right outside of the snow belt, so we don't get reliable snow cover. For the garden, what is deadly is our freezing and thawing when the temperatures yo-yo: frost heaving!

  2. perenniallycrazy 02/22/2015

    Beautiful garden bones Eddie! I am utterly charmed by Stephen's Gate, your locust tree and favorite bench. Glad to see your indoor winter garden is so lively. I am envious of your begonia as I have tried and tried to grow them indoors but have totally failed. I look forward to more photos in every season.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Benign neglect Cherry! Currently am trying to root cuttings - wish me luck! Thank you for your kind comments,

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/23/2015

    Well, Eddi, I think if I were invited to a winter gathering at your home, I would probably end being one of those annoying guests who keeps lingering. I wouldn't want to leave your delightful indoor garden area. The foliage of your pictured geranium is certainly gives most coleus' a run for their money in the colorful department. Wonderful story about your locust that now gives such great shade to your favorite bench.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      You would be more than welcome! I follow the sunshine around my house but most plants are here in the front hall.
      The leaves on the geranium look mostly green right now but in summer they live outside and the leaves have patterns of darker green and deep red.

  4. jerrysiss 02/23/2015

    Eddi, I live in Lorain so my outside looks like yours. My inside is not quite as lush but I have indoors plants and perrennials that I bring in. So I can relate. Nice. Pictures are pretty to look at but not live through.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Thank you Jerry, the plants inside help to keep me alive,too.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

    We're in for a treat, today, Eddi! I think we're going to get up to 9 degees today! This certainly was a beautiful snow and your marvelous trees have been outlined spectacularly. Just gorgeous! I'm thinking of finding room for a serviceberry because a friend says it tempts the cedar waxwings out of their shy hiding. Do you see them in your tree? It would certainly be great to see your garden in other seasons. Cheers to gardening!

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Dizzylingly exciting isn't it?
      As soon as we have a thaw, order your Amelanchier - it is truly beautiful and ,yes the cedar waxwings will come as well as a host of other visitors. Our tree is located on the south side outside the study where I can sit and watch the frenzied activity at the bird feeders. The blossom is amazing,too.
      I'm coming to see your garden(and youself) in August.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

        How cool is that? I was wondering if you were part of the Powell gardening group. I'd certainly love to know more about your garden. If you have any tips regarding the Amelanchier and the different cultivars, let me know. I see that Oakland Nursery carries several and will special order as well. Babs has my email address. Please feel free to email. cheers!

        1. sheila_schultz 02/23/2015

          Tim, you'll love having an Amelanchier. I had one in bush form at my first house. The flowers had a heavenly scent and the berries were incredibly sweet. A delightful shrub/tree!

          1. user-1020932 02/23/2015

            i've never noticed a fragrance, i'll make a note of that to sniff them out this spring. if you like blueberries,,you will love serviceberries

          2. user-7007140 02/23/2015

            The scent is heavenly and because more is more I also have the viburnum spice bushes under the south windows. Just greedy.

          3. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

            I'm sold!

          4. sheila_schultz 02/23/2015

            I have two Korean Spice Viburnam's under my kitchen window, too, Eddi! Unfortunately, almost every single year we have a late frost just as they are completely covered with buds ready to open. Sigh. Maybe this Spring it will be different?

          5. user-7007140 02/27/2015

            Maybe you could cover them if you know the frost is due.

          6. sheila_schultz 02/27/2015

            I have tried several times with different covers... those fragrant buds really hate being cold!

          7. user-1020932 02/23/2015

            Eddi, if you have the room plant a Prunus mume 'Peggy Clark',,clear pink early frost proof flowers and it's like perfume,,,,my signal that winter is definitely over

          8. user-7007140 02/23/2015

            Thanks Jeff

          9. user-7007140 02/24/2015

            I certainly have room, but this time I'll plant the tree in a large pot so it can come with me if (heavy sigh) I move.

          10. user-7007140 02/27/2015

            It's now on my shopping list. I do adore Prunus.

          11. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

            Now to find room. I think I may be able to take advantage of the fencing-contractor destruction to sneak one in. It looks like most of the tree-forms are relatively small. I think I read that the bush forms sucker. Was that true for you?

          12. sheila_schultz 02/23/2015

            It was in the early 80's, Tim, I don't remember the suckers... just the scent and the yummy, tiny berries! ;)

          13. user-7007140 02/23/2015

            They can be extensively pruned, so no excuses.

        2. user-7007140 02/23/2015

          I'll try to find out what mine is and let you know.

    2. Nurserynotnordstroms 02/23/2015

      I would love to attract the Cedar Waxwings,we had a large flock come and devour the berries on the Madrone tree one year but haven't seen one since,I too would love to attract them again. I was just reading about plants with berries that attract birds I think it was on Houzz. My concern with plants like that "are they going to resead everywhere so I do research before my purchase. I can't stand random seadlings popping up everywhere. I hope you guys warm up soon,it's hard to live in the bitter cold and enjoy life outdoors.

      1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

        I have never seen any seedlings from this tree. It is beautifully behaved. There are untold numbers of ash seedlings, but it's no one see planting them as the emerald ash borer is alive and well around here. Thanks for the Houzz reference. Whatever I plant has to feed something beneficial and the wildlife is very helpful!

      2. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

        They are one my favorite birds. Shy, beautiful and I think they sound like kid's squeaky toys. We lost an enormous cherry tree that use to attract them, but wherever they hung out in our neighborhood, they stayed very high in the trees. I heard them more frequently when I saw them. This blog is certainly dangerous for our wallets and a challenge to those of us with full, small yards! I am working on eliminated prolific seeders from my garden, too. It is so much work to keep them in check, even if I love them. I'm definitely enjoying life indoors for the near future! cheers.

        1. Meelianthus 02/24/2015

          I can sure relate to small, full (stuffed !) gardens Tim, but it is oh-so hard to say 'no' to all of the beautiful plants you see and hear of others growing in their gardens. Isn't this blog wonderful ! - and a challenge !!

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/24/2015

            The blog is inspiring and it is definitely hard to say no. Are you like me, picking up something you just must have, and then wandering around the garden wondering "where in the world can I shoehorn this in?" I'm taking stock of plants that are super-high maintenance, or plants that I have tons of, and giving them the boot. I think one FG author says 'groups of one, drifts of two'. cheers.

          2. Meelianthus 02/25/2015

            Wow! I am SO that way! And, I have recently removed two large bushes that no longer looked so great - a Spirea and a Daphne and so I have created a new (smallish) area with plantings that don't need to be trimmed or fussed with. So much better. And personally, I don't do much repetitive plants. I like one of a kind even though a lot of landscapers don't recommend that.

  6. user-1020932 02/23/2015

    beautiful photos and snow does give a fantasy look to the garden but MAN do i wanna see some green outside! i wish more people used serviceberry in the garden, it's such a great small tree and the berries are delicious if you can beat the birds to the buffet. begonias are looking great, mine are always somewhat bedraggled by this time ,,,,,,try Escargot, Gryphon and Luxurians if you're a begonia lover. send some spring/summer shots, i want to see this garden without it's snow dress on :)

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Me,too! Did you notice how not ugly and stick spindly the bougainvillea is? Had to include that foe you.
      Thank you for the begonia info - several people interested in that, I think.

      1. user-1020932 02/23/2015

        yep, i noticed the bougie but didn't mention it out of jealousy on my part. i have never successfully overwintered one

        1. user-7007140 02/23/2015


        2. User avater
          Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/23/2015

          I thought you had misspelled 'budgie' and thought you should know that parakeets can actually take some cold weather! :)

    2. sheila_schultz 02/23/2015

      Jeff, Escargot and Gryphon are such cool cultivars...I'll have to check out Luxurian's. Begonia's don't always like our dry air in Denver, but given the right spot their foliage explodes!

  7. greengenes 02/23/2015

    What a treat today for us here on the west coast! Your place is beautiful, Eddi! One thing nice about the snow is how quiet and insulating the snow is. It really does show off the bones of your gardens. I really like the story you shared about the locust tree! Its a pretty determined tree! Your begonias are gorgeous! I love them so but I don't have the room during the cold months. So when I do purchase them they are only treated as an annual. They are a great plant with many varieties for sure! Well we would love to see your place through the spring and summer too! Do send in more! Thanks and I so hope it warms up soon for all of you!

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Hello Jeanne, you are a part of my reason for posting these pictures. I very much enjoy all your pictures and comments. I have learned so much from everyone it is my way of saying "thank you very much".
      I have great difficulty in not saving things and suffer agonies consigning plants to the compost heap. Jeff has recommended some good begonias so before I run out of room may well try a couple. Do try a tiny begonia in a pot next winter, you will love it. It won't take up much room!!!

  8. annek 02/23/2015

    So beautiful! The scene in your first photo had me sighing. Bravo for your tree nurturing were greatly rewarded! Like others, I am anxious to see your garden in full flush of summer

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      Thank you so much. Being greatly encouraged now may result in further photos during my favorite gardening months with No Snow.

  9. GrannyMay 02/23/2015

    Eddi, your beautiful garden under its blanket of white is a great way to start the day! I'm glad the snow is there, not here! Love how there is just enough snow so that the structure of the bench and the flagstones are outlined, not hidden. It is all gorgeous in winter. I hope you will send summer photos as well.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      The trouble with our part of Ohio is the freeze/thaw routine - very hard on lots of things. I've only lived here for 35 years and I'm still getting used to it. Coming from The South West of England's plant friendly climate made this a real learning experience.

  10. sheila_schultz 02/23/2015

    You are such a tease, Eddi! Your snow covered yard is so beautiful, I can't wait to see it in technicolor come summer! I love that you have window space and natural light for so many overwintering plants. I can smell the leaves of your geraniums just looking at your photos. I also adore that begonia... there are so many gorgeous leaf patterns out there now, time to pull out a catalog on this snow covered day!

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      I am so looking forward to Spring. Snow is beautiful, it has the magical ability to transform the ordinary into new and gorgeous shapes. But enough is enough!
      I'm heading to my garden dream books.

      1. user-1020932 02/23/2015

        Eddi, i hope you have a plant delights catalog, they are not only beautiful , informative and drool worthy, they are also a very funny read

  11. digginWA 02/23/2015

    Your snow pics make the Minnesotan in me (just a little bit) wistful. Our PNW spring is so far along already that hummingbirds have stopped coming to the feeder. All this talk of amelanchiers has inspired me to wedge one in somewhere. The flowers, then berries, then fall color, make it a perfect garden plant in my opinion.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      When you find your new project, Tia, then I'm sure the Amelanchier will be at least a part of it. I don't want to leave here but we may be (ugh) downsizing at some time and my own patch will certainly include this tree, along with irises,viburnums,peonies,heuchera, Lenten roses, brunnera, hosta, bulbs of all kinds........
      Wait - I can't possibly leave, I have so much to take. Shades of Jeff with his trucks full of plants and hardly any furniture.

      1. user-1020932 02/23/2015

        i can live with just enough furniture to survive but there is a never ending need for new plants to grow

        1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

          So very true.

  12. GrannyCC 02/23/2015

    Love to look at the snow but thankfully don't have to deal with it here on the West Coast. Fingers crossed!! We have had freak dumps and everyone panics because we are not prepared. Your garden is lovely in the snow you obviously have designed it with that in mind and would love to see it in other seasons.So nice to be able to have an area where you can garden indoors. Love the begonias and will have to try and find them at my Nursery. The foliage is so interesting .I have an amelanchier but I don't know the variety but it has beautiful delicate flowers and outstanding colour in the fall. I was given it from the nursery where I worked because it had no tag and they couldn't sell it without the tag.

  13. steve_mosley 02/23/2015

    Love the winter structure - your Norfolk pine - were I live they are a extremely fast growing tree which grow to 50-60 metres (200 odd feet) - and are a very messy tree - Much prefer to see on in a small pot!!

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      I didn't know that. I like my little fellow and love the soft green foliage. Thank you for writing.

  14. terieLR 02/23/2015

    Yet another snow-scene lover here! You have beautiful trees Eddi and bravo for saving the Locust! I'm sure the wintering birds have found refuge in all those wonderful pines. Before long we will once again be hearing the songsters singing from our branches. Looking forward to seeing what this yard holds underneath all the fluff. Thanks for sharing.

    1. user-7007140 02/23/2015

      I just enjoyed your garden in this months Fine Gardening, Terie. Beautiful. So if you enjoy mine I am truly pleased. What is under all the fluff here will not be anything to compare with what you have at home, but you may find it interestingly different. The favorite trees for the smaller birds are Alberta Spruce - so popular the trees now have holes in the greenery!

      1. terieLR 02/23/2015

        Thank you Eddi, so glad you enjoyed the article. Funny, I have noticed the same here with the Alberta Spruce. Little junco are exiting it in the early AM to flock at the feeders. Love the feathered friends!

    2. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/24/2015

      Hey Terie, I think I commented on a old post, complimenting your article, but seeing this reminded me again. What a great article and great photos! Let's get gardening!

  15. janeeliz 02/23/2015

    Love the beauty of your garden in winter, Eddi. I can not resist a snow-covered garden no matter how cold it is.Here in Maine we , too, are buried in snow. Hope our plants are happy and safe under the deep blanket of snow. Also loved the sweet story of your daughter's choice for her wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely garden in the 'uncovered' seasons. Your indoor plants look wonderful! I'm thankful for cozy sunrooms and the arrival of garden catalogs on the coldest winter days, aren't you?

  16. Meelianthus 02/24/2015

    Beautiful snow pics Eddi, I live in 'greengenes' area and we don't get much snow around here and when we do it is usually a disaster as it is VERY wet, heavy snow and no one knows how to drive in it. Your snow looks dry and fluffy and the trees are lovely. Your in-house plants look very healthy - warm and cozy for the winter months and don't you love having all of that green around you during the cold. Thank you for the beauty.

  17. schatzi 02/24/2015

    Hello All. I am utterly charmed by all your comments, as well as the beautiful indoor and outdoor pictures of Eddie's garden. I have a house full of plants too, especially flowering ones, to get me thru our dark, gray winters. Altho today was another gift - clear and sunny and warm for a while in the afternoon. I planted 3 more Hellebores that I could not resist! I have over 2 dozen now and I really must stop! But they are so beautiful. And they bloom in the winter. The earliest ones bloomed Dec-Jan., and now the rest have joined the show. All the bulbs are coming up, the early iris are blooming, snowdrops, crocus, early daffodils all doing their thing. Sorry East coast folks. It is spring in the PNW. I sure hope you get to see it soon. Winter is fine up to a point, but enough is enough, right? I am so far having success with 2 fancy leaf begonias, thanks to Jeff's advice. I think I over-watered them before. Now I let them go almost to the point of wilting before I water them and it seems to be working. I can empathize with those of you who are enduring winter and hoping for spring. Let's hope it is soon. And Eddie, when I read you said "whilst", I knew you were English! Thanks for the tour.

  18. foxglove12 03/22/2015

    Agreed so beautiful in the snow. Would love to see the summer photos side by side.

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