Garden Photo of the Day

Elizabeth’s garden in Mississippi

Today's photos are from Elizabeth in Natchez, Mississippi, who says, "Natchez is a beautiful little town on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. My three cats and I work the flower beds in my garden. Their work usually has to be removed." What a beautiful glimpse of your garden, Elizabeth–we need LOTS more! Please?


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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/16/2014

    Ah, Elizabeth, that peek of your elegant white porch pillars certainly whispers southern charm and Natchez is a perfect place to be from. Your use of white and green gives a very cooling and soothing feeling to your garden and I'm sure that is appreciated during the heat and humidity of the summer. Do you happen to know why the wonderful crape myrtle 'Natchez' was named after your town? And is it the most heavily planted variety in your area?

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      I don't know that Natchez, Ms really has anything to do with the name. There are many different crapes planted in town. I have a very old crape(watermelon color) in my back yard.
      Recently there was an effort to have all the downtown yards plant a crape in the yard. Thank you.

  2. perenniallycrazy 12/16/2014

    So charmed by your garden Elizabeth. The crape myrtles and the calladiums are to die for as with the brick and porch pillars. Wish that last photo with the pothead were larger. Most definitely would want to see MUCH more of your beautiful garden... and your three cats too.

    If you care to share, what's the secret to growing calladiums? I have failed miserably in growing them - my guess is that our summers do not get hot enough for them.

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      You might want to try a different kind of caladium for your area. Thank you.

  3. user-7007285 12/16/2014

    Love the Southern charm of your lovely garden. The choice of strong plants that have proven their worth in the South has shown that they put off a show that is to count on in those muggy warm days, sometimes just plain hot and wet. Love your choices. I would like to know the name of the ground cover in a couple of photos, low, green, small leaves and next to the border. Thanks for sharing, would love to see more.

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Hi, not sure what ground cover you see. It may well be a weed that I have incorporated into the garden. Thank you.

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/16/2014

    Those calladiums have such a powerful presence and I love where the color is echoed in the hydrangea. Do they stay in the ground all year in your zone?

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 12/16/2014

      I was just about to ask that question myself, Tim...hope Elizabeth comes back on and shares that info. I can attest that they turn to mush in TN and must be lifted for survival...I have failed that test of protective guardianship!

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/16/2014

        I am a failure on that count, too, although mostly because I draw the line at plants that need to be lifted and stored: dahlias, cannas, calladiums (which I love). Of course my basement and third floor stairwell are filled with agaves, coleus and other assorted annuals that I overwinter or keep outside in pots during the summer......Pick you battles! cheers!

        1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

          You are so right, Tim.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/16/2014

            They are such a stunning accent in your garden. Definitely glad that you are taking advantage of some grower lifting and storing them so that you can plant them out in spring and have that beauty in your garden. I would have thought Mississippi would be warm enough for them to survive all year. Looks like they are hardy in zone 9 on the coast, but Natchez must be zone 8 or so. Happy gardening!

      2. user-7007327 12/16/2014

        Mush in MS. I dug them up for years but found they never did as well. That plus I just didn't want to do it. May be I am doing something wrong.

    2. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Tim, caladiums are annuals in Mississippi. Thank you.

  5. wGardens 12/16/2014

    Oh my! Absolutely GORGEOUS! Great choice of plants/ placement... so inviting, soothing... can almost hear some Vivaldi playing in the background :-) ... Hope you send another round of photos. Including another each of those pillars and stairs... THANKS for sharing!

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Thank you, Margaret, and I do love Vivaldi.

  6. Cenepk10 12/16/2014

    Being from the south…. I 'm digging this garden …ahhhhhh gorgeous

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Then you know how hot it is when digging in the summer. Thanks.

      1. Cenepk10 12/17/2014

        Indeed I do...

  7. Nurserynotnordstroms 12/16/2014

    Y,all(I just got back from Texas)have such a beautiful place. I love the charming brick work and those Caladiums are to die for. You left me wanting to see more I hope you can send us more photos soon I would love that. Your water feature in the third photo would look perfect In my gardens I love anything with an Asian flair. Merry Christmas to you Elizabeth

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Merry Christmas and thanks.

  8. greengenes 12/16/2014

    Wow, Elizabeth! Caladiums galore! I really enjoy seeing them around and up here in Washington state they always die, and are annuals. Also the crape myrtle is beautiful with the color of the trunks. This is another one that cant be grown here. Well it looks like you and your cats have a great place to relax! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy holidays to all of you!

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Annuals here, too. Happy holidays to you and thank you.

  9. GrannyMay 12/16/2014

    Elizabeth, you and your cats are doing a wonderful job! Your garden looks timeless and serene with its cooling colour scheme. Echoing everyone else, I'm amazed by the masses of caladiums and would love to try them again in my own garden, probably in containers. I would love to see more photos. Thank you!

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      May, thank you, my yard may be caladium over kill. My cats thank you.

  10. GrannyCC 12/16/2014

    Elizabeth you have created a southern soothing sanctuary. The caladiums are beautiful but I don`t think they are perennial here but I love the look anyway so should try then in pots.

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Catherine, caladiums aren't a perennial here either. Have to plant every year. Thank you.

  11. digginWA 12/16/2014

    I love this very restrained, very successful palette, from the aged brick to the mixed pots and the repeated use of green/white/pink to burgundy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Thank you, Tia.

  12. Meelianthus 12/16/2014

    Beautiful, serene settings Elizabeth. I am intrigued by the brick stairwell, it looks very old. Where do those stairs lead to - an upper garden ? Thanks for sharing your gardens.

    1. user-7007327 12/16/2014

      Hi, the stairs lead to the walk going to my house. Thank you.

  13. user-7007327 12/16/2014

    Thank you, Diane.

  14. marmacy 12/17/2014

    Love all the Caladiums...great job!!

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