We spent a couple of days in Linda Skyler’s Bainbridge Island garden in August (refresh your memory HERE and HERE), but today she’s back with some even-more-interesting photos of her garden that span several years.

She says, “I thought GPOD viewers might like to see my gardens in their earlier stages. Here are some fun over-the-years images. I have so greatly enjoyed all the gardens featured on the GPOD. I never tire of the creative beauty of each and every gardener.”

Such great photos, Linda, and such a ridiculously gorgeous garden! I especially love the panoramic view. Thanks for sharing!

**** The push is still on–get outside and take some last minute shots, or compile a few you took earlier in the season. I’ll be eternally grateful…. Email them to GPOD@taunton.com. Thanks! ****

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today's feature has convinced me that i should have moved to PNW years ago! it's all so full and vibrant and with each plant screaming "look at me" . great garden , Linda, and yes i refreshed my memory by re visiting previous features. i think i spied a Melianthus in the late spring 2008, love that plant and any plant that smells like peanut butter drives kids crazy
Your gardens are wonderful Linda! Do you have a secret way of making all those edges great looking? That is one gardening job I dislike.
Beautiful garden! What is that purple flower in the 2008 pic? It just screams LOOK AT ME!!! lol
This morning is almost like your last picture - we're under winter advisories here - can't wait til spring!
Linda, there is not a bad view of your gorgeous garden, is there? You have given it so many fascinating nooks and crannies...and it seems like it was beautiful from the very beginning of your serious gardening commitment. What is the incredibly vibrant blue flowering plant that picks up so beautifully the blue tones of the container near the patio?
I am so impressed with...well...just everything!
Pattyspencer - I laughed when I read your post, as those were my thoughts as well. We have white ground and a snow advisory too.
This is another one of those gardens, that look more like a park. I hope others get to share this lovely space, though I know it is extra work. I love the lushness of the gardens in PNW - either in US or Canada. This is a lovely garden and so in keeping with the surroundings and house style.
I think we need a repeat visit in mid winter (but you can leave the last picture off - lol)
My heaven's...A wonderland of garden images before me!
All so breathtaking, captivating and beautiful. I need more
time to absorb in your plant placements later for ideas.
Thank you Linda!
+ If I may step in on the 2008 photo of the vibrant blue
flowered plant, I would say it looks like the annual 'Magadi
Blue' lobelia.
The panoramic and aerial photos give a realistic view of how large and lush your gardens actually are.
Like Meander, I'm dying to hear the name of the brilliant blue flowers.
I'm particularly enchanted by the greenhouse scene and the path to the perennial garden. The beauty is surreal.
Do you maintain all of this beauty yourself?
Yeah, like who couldn't tell a gardner lives there... an extravaganza of horticultural perfection! Oh, I could unwind on that patio and smell those gorgeous roses (they almost look salmon hued, so apropo for the PNW, I'd name them Goldy Lox). I honestly can't choose a favorite, every view is sublime. Thank you, Linda.
If I had a time machine...dial me back to summer 2008, Linda's garden... Aaaaah! Such beauty! Thank you, Linda.
Green and green and more green! That's Washington state for you! Absolutely love it! It is timeless and full. It sure makes me want to go out and do some cleanup and rearranging in my garden. thanks for sharing!
What a treat! Thanks for sharing your garden history. For the blue flower, I'm putting my money on delphinium!
Linda, you certainly have salvaged your yard from the wreckage of 4 boys! What a green oasis. I can see the areas where you've used raised beds to combat the rootbound soil; very smart. The winding paths are lovely, including the lawn "paths." Thank you for sharing your photos.
Love every aspect of your garden Linda! It has looked good in every single view and every season, getting even more beautiful as the trees and shrubs mature. You have all my favourites and then some! Thank you and keep those photos coming!
I vote for it being blue lobelia and pink impatiens in the hanging basket beside the blue water bowl.
ok, now that grannymay says hanging basket, I fold, and concede to blue lobelia!!!
Linda, like Daisy64 I'm curious about the great edges on your beautiful gardens. Do you spend many hours edging them by hand or do you have edging in the soil to keep the grass out? Thanks for sharing such great photos - especially inspiring on a snowy day!
Linda, your gardens always make my jaw drop. The comfortable flow of your beds and the layers upon layers of color and texture are sheer beauty.
Your garden is so beautiful and serene. I love all the winding paths and how secluded some areas are. It looks like you are hidden away in a secret garden when you are on your patio.
I vote for Lobelia in the hanging basket!
Wow! Fantastic garden.
This is a glorious park like garden! Love it! I love the aerial views! It gives a clear sense of the layout of the pathways and beds! It also how well thought out you placed the shrubs and trees!
My guess is that we are looking at an annual Lobelia for the blue flower by the Blue cobalt pot!
Thank you Michelle for posting my pictures and I am so happy that all of you gardeners enjoyed them. Gardening is a labor of love for me.
Meander1-yes, Lobelia it is and it just blooms away for months until we go below freezing.
Quiltingmamma-Good luck with your winter and hope your snow isn't too bad. I will try to send some mid-winter pics.
Pattyspenser-sorry, not sure which purple you are seeing?
Daisy64 & Willysmom --I hand clipped edges for years! then this past year my dear husband installed 100s of bricks around each garden area,now the mower clips it and does a fairly good job - but mainly SAVES my back!
Grannymay-yes, you are correct, Lobelia & Impatiens.
Janetsfolly-Ah yes, dial me back to 2008 also- I would love to be 7 or 8 years younger again ^_^
tractor1-Yes, I confess, I'm obsessed! So glad you enjoyed,
Annek-Yes, the blue is Lobelia and I do maintain it all myself. After two new hip joints I'm ready for the next decade!!
tntreeman-Yes, you did spy Melianthus major (alias peanut butter)and I have since moved it to another area where it has become huge(they can be invasive!) and I really don't have room for huge in my gardens but it does have lovely bright red flowers in Fall and early Winter.
Thank you all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS
You must have a fenced in yard or no deer on the island? Since it is an island, I guess you don't need a water feature. It is a very lush yard and it makes me want to go outside and work on my yard, but since it is 33 degrees, I will just dream for next spring.
@ Meelianthus - it's the right row - 2nd down - maybe it's actually blue and not purple?
@ Quiltingmamma - it was sooo pretty this morning - just how I like my snow - on the grass and the trees and bushes but NOT on the streets and sidewalks! But I'm still already looking forward to spring
@ all who tried to figure out that flower for me - 3 different answers - hummmmm - well hopefully now that I've said it might be blue (my computer may have given it a more purple tone) Meelianthus can identify it for me
linda, i wish Melianthus was invasive here. i would gladly fight it's spread to have that plant thrive here. i might not say that if it truly did thrive
Pattyspenser-I looked thru the 2008 pics and the only plant I could see on the right was a pink Spirea, but I don't think that is what you were referring to, so sorry.
Appaloosa-Yes,we have literally tons of deer, coyote, raccoons, and the occasional bear - more than I could cope with as a gardener. My husband built a fence all around our property with tall gates in the front, then he circled the entire fence with an electric wire (like a cattle wire) and that keeps most critters out. It works for the most part.
Hi Linda! Hope you are keeping well. Thought reading this might brighten your Monday: http://www.gardenygoodness.com/. Be well and happy in the garden.
Hi pattyspencer- If this will help.. I would suggest you search on the web and type in: lobelia 'Magadi Blue'...and I
wouldn't be surprised as to what you will find!
Give it a shot!! :)
Ok - I will - it was the picture with the chairs and the blue ceramic urn in it - the flowers are right next to the blue ceramic urn - it was the 2nd top row of pictures - on the right side
Hi Linda, You have created an enchanted garden. Will you replace the tree that died? I'll look forward to see what your choice is.
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