Gardening Answers

Cutting Flowers for Fall

marti_n_midwest_moderator | Posted in Midwest Gardening on

The Dahlias are in full flower, and have been for weeks, but seem to have their best color right now.  Yesterday I visited the raised garden and cut some Red Dahlias for little bouquets. Having set up a trellis system this year kept their growth vertical and easy to manage. I am assessing the color mix and planning for new additions in 2024. 

What are you cutting for bouquets this fall?


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    In the Southeast I cut my Dahlias back in August and they give me more blooms in the cool of the fall. Do you have to do any cutbacks in the midwest?

  2. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #2

    I have never done that. I just keep them deadheaded as the best I can and cut for bouquets. As the temperatures cool they slow down and before long we will have a frost/freeze and have to dig them up for storage.
    I am finding some of the plants doing poorly and will likely just dig them up and discard. I would like to try some new varieties next year.

    Do you have any favorites I should try?

  3. User avater Moderator
    Plantswoman | | #3

    Have you ever tried growing dahlias from seed? I did two years ago. I got a package of spider style and planted them in the greenhouse. Moved them out in June and had such great flowers!. I'm not that great at growing things from seed but these were easy.

  4. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #4

    That is amazing. I never thought to grow them from seed

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