Gardening Answers

Exceptional Drought

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

Much of the South and Southeast are abnormally dry.  Some areas are even now in the category of official drought.  I have been desperate to get a few trees planted but want to wait for the possibility of rain.  Where I live in Tennessee, October is historically our driest month -so more dry weather could be around the corner.

Here are some late fall drought tips:

1. Don’t encourage growth.  – no fertilizing, no pruning
2. Removing weeds reduces competition for resources 
3. Mulch to conserve water – Keep mulch 6″ from the base of trunks
4. Consider allowing your lawn to go dormant
5. Concentrate on deep, infrequent waterings

What other tips do you have?


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    Need to find alternatives that are more drought tolerant? FG has you covered!

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