Gardening Answers

Fall Blooming Plants

Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

Fall is coming quickly to the PNW.  Misty mornings and cooler nights trigger autumn blooming bulbs to start appearing.   Colchicum autumnale, or Fall Crocus are showing beautiful light purples and white under the trees in my garden right now.  Hardy fall blooming cyclamen – Cyclamen hederifolium are summer dormant and start throwing up their tiny blooms forming a mat of color under the camellias in my garden.  

These smaller plants are somewhat outshown by the Nerines blooming in the grass garden all along the edges.  Nerines are sometimes summer dormant but sometimes have strappy grass-like foliage in the summer.  Fall comes and the blooms come up and show brilliant colors ranging from red to white with many pinks in between.  Check out this Nerine post 

Growing Nerine Lilies in the Northwest

 for great pictures and more information.

What fall-blooming flowers or bulbs do you enjoy?

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