Gardening Answers

Fall clean up or not?

Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

Gardeners have several differing opinions about fall clean up – or not.  Do you wait until leaf drop is over and rake all the leaves and leave the beds clean for the winter?  Do you cut back everything, remove all leaves, add compost and leave for the winter? Do you leave all the debris and let all slumber until early spring then clean it up?     I do a bit of all.   I clean up and weed through all the beds, but leave grasses and seed pods up to feed the birds and insects.  I also let the leaves lie where they fall as long as they aren’t too deep.   Early in the spring, while still cold, I remove fallen leaves and check for over wintered weeds.   Snails and slugs can hide under the leaves when they start to become active again.   Tell other readers your methods!


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    I love your approach!

    1. User avater Moderator
      Plantswoman | | #2

      Thanks! Happy Fall :)

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