Gardening Answers

Fertilize cool-season lawns in our region

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

It has been very dry in parts of our region.  However, as we start to get more rain in November (we hope!) cool season grasses will start to look a lot better.  One way you can help them is to think about fertilizer.  

In the transition zone of the Southeastern region, you will find a mix of both cool- and warm-season lawn grasses. If your lawn is comprised primarily of a cool-season grass like fescue, you still have a short window to put some fertilizer down. A soil test will best determine your fertilizer needs. However, in the absence of a soil test, use a complete turf-grade fertilizer with a 4-1-2 ratio, such as 16-4-8. Homeowners should apply between ½ and 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet before the end of November.

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