Gardening Answers

Garden Projects

fine_gardening | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

Are you working on any major structural changes to your garden? Building raised beds, adding new plant borders, creating a new pathway? What kind of garden projects are you excited by right now?


  1. deety | | #1

    Major revamp of an overgrown long garden bed is mostly done. Also trying to find information on building a key hole raised garden. I have the stone block, but my builder baled on me!
    Any suggestions?

  2. User avater Moderator
    Chloe_Moderator | | #2

    A keyhole garden is such a neat concept! Are you doing the compost bin in the center? It seems like a good DIY project. How high were you thinking to go?

    1. deety | | #3

      My major landscape re-do this year has to do with getting older and my garden getting out of hand. I'm a dozen years older than when I put it in! So, KH is going to be about 32" high and 25' circumference so I can reach in from all sides. Yes- there will be a 2' Diameter compost bin in the center.
      My biggest question deals with creating this on a bit of a slope. Do I just dig down deeper on the uphill side? Or do I build it up higher on the downhill side LOL

      1. User avater Moderator
        Chloe_Moderator | | #4

        Perhaps you could do a bit of both and split the difference! I think many of us could take a page from your book and do some planning for aging in the garden. A keyhole garden is a great way to address this. Here's more info for anyone unfamiliar with the concept.

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