Gardening Answers

Have you been to any great Mid-Atlantic gardens this summer?

Carol_Collins | Posted in Mid-Atlantic Gardening on

There are so many great public gardens in the Mid-Atlantic region. I especially love Mt. Cuba Center, but I haven’t been there in a couple of years. Do any of you have a favorite public garden that you would recommend to the rest of us?


  1. user-295450 | | #1

    Longwood gardens in PA
    Brookside Gardens in Montgomery County MD

  2. User avater Moderator
    LSweeney_moderator | | #2

    Unfortunately, I have not made it out to any public gardens this summer, but in the spring, I visited Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve in Bucks County, PA and got to see many of the beautiful spring ephemerals like Virginia bluebells, trilliums, and Dutchman's breeches. For the upcoming late summer and fall seasons, I recommend Mt Cuba Center in Delaware and the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia.

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