Gardening Answers

Here come the leaves!

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

It doesn’t look like we’ll get much fall color from our maples this year in my area of Connecticut because they are dropping early due to moisture induced foliar disease. So far I’ve been just mowing them into the lawn, but normally I use fallen leaves for mulch. I use maple for vegetable garden beds because it breaks down faster and the oak goes to perennial beds. I like the natural look of leaves as mulch, plus the low low price of free. What do you do with your leaves?


  1. attitudebabe | | #1

    I used my leaves as mulch last year. I believe I piled them on to high. My husband does not like how they look. I will try again this year but not pile them on as high as last year. I too like the free aspect of using leaves.

  2. User avater Moderator
    Chloe_Moderator | | #2

    Do you shred them? They look a bit tidier that way and don't blow around, but I can see the look might not be for everyone. Worth trying again this year! This article recommends 2-3" for depth.

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