Gardening Answers

Hornworms Still Active

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

I thought I would be past this in mid-September, but yesterday I saw giant hornworms mowing down my still producing tomato stems and leaves.  They were all holding on tight but I was able to pick them off easily.  

One key to continued production of plants like tomato is to keep picking fruit and scout for pests.

Are others in our region still getting tomato fruit and are you still seeing hornworms and other pests?


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    FG has you covered if you want to know more about this topic!

  2. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #2

    I found more today!

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