Gardening Answers


maryannnewcomer | Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

In Boise, ID, where I live, it’s looking hot and hotter for the next week. Essentially high 80’s to mid 90’s. So far, it’s not “smokin’ hot” since we had no major fires the last week or so. But, add to the heat, the drought in much of our region, and, fellow gardeners, we have to be on our toes in terms of watering our plants. 

I try to check my plants every morning (or ask my husband to do so). He is invested in the vegetables we grow, especially slicing tomatoes and “his” potato plants. We do have a good irrigation/sprinkler system, but I know better that to set it and forget it. I walk around with my trusty HoriHori knife with the 7 inch blade. If in doubt about the soil moisture, I stick the blade straight down into the soil, and pull back on it a bit to see how moist the space is. If I can find moisture that far down, things are generally looking pretty good. If not, I will give that particular planting space some additional water. Water is expensive here, so it pays to monitor the situation. 

Do you have any watering methods or tricks to share with the forum? I hope you will share. 

Meanwhile, wear a broad rimmed hat or work under an umbrella. Use sunscreen. Have fun. Stay in touch. 


  1. User avater Moderator
    maryannnewcomer | | #1

    The dry environment across our region.
    And some pretty Royal Sunset lilies in the garden.

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