Gardening Answers

How to get rid of thuggish bracken ferns

plantsforall | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

I planted bracken ferns in a friends garden and now they have taken over.  Almost 6′ tall and terribly invasive, growing around a dying maple tree that will eventually need to be cut down.   Short of bringing in pigs, what do I do?


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    One of the best way to handle this is by mowing or using a string trimmer and keeping them defoliated. Overtime, this can really control them.

    1. plantsforall | | #2

      Thanks, we will try the string trimmer, given the area, and see how that works. They are under a maple that is dying so I'm also wondering if when it gets stump ground whether they can also dig up the roots as much as possible. What do you think?

      1. User avater Moderator
        DrPulte_Moderator | | #3

        I think having the stump grinder could help.

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