Gardening Answers

Hydrangea Myths

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on


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    cleangreen | | #2

    I never tried H. seratta. We don’t have much luck with hydrangea in general but neighbor with a huge, unknown variety neglects the hell out of his and it’s covered in blooms! I usually cover my variegated lace cap hydrangea with burlap in late winter. Otherwise, we won’t get any blooms due to frost.

    1. User avater Moderator
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #3

      I would try seratta. I'm almost completely done with H. mac. in TN. So much space and so little reward.

  3. fitgarden | | #4

    Totally agree about H. macrophylla. Removed all mine from the landscaped beds, to the natural area, where I will ignore them (& they will probably thrive :-) ). Replaced (H. macrophylla) with many varieties of H. quercifolia and so hoping they do well here in now zone 8a.

    1. User avater Moderator
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #5

      I love H. quercifolia - I think there is a place for one in almost any landscape.

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