Gardening Answers

January garden to do-do list

LSweeney_moderator | Posted in Mid-Atlantic Gardening on

What’s on your to-do list this month? If you need some guidance, check out the article below!


  1. Carol_Collins | | #1

    I have been organizing my saved seeds and putting 2024 planting plans for veggie and annual beds on paper BEFORE I allow myself to place a seed order. I'm hoping this will prevent me from impulse-buying all the shiny new seeds and plants I don't have space for!😄

    1. User avater Moderator
      LSweeney_moderator | | #2

      That's a smart plan! Hopefully it will bolster your self-control when you see all those beautiful pictures in the seed catalogues!

    2. User avater Moderator
      Chloe_Moderator | | #3

      I admire your discipline. I'm thinking of trying the control strategy of waiting until seeds start to sell out before I look. :D

  2. User avater Moderator
    Chloe_Moderator | | #4

    I've been re-potting houseplants this month and I was working on pulling out a dreadful vinca and lily of the valley patch until the ground froze too hard. So much easier to pull in winter.

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