Gardening Answers

Jump starting my dahlias

maryannnewcomer | Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

Years ago, a horticulture professor taught me a little trick for getting a head start on growing dahlias. It might work for you, too. Our last frost date in Boise, ID is May 10-May 20th. Yes, there’s a window. And I still keep sheets and row covers on hand just in case it freezes into June (which it does every once in a while).

I used clean, black, one-gallon plastic pots from nursery purchases and a good organic planting mix. I planted one tuber per pot, planting its roots down, sprouting end to the top, and covering the top with one inch of the mix. Then, I labeled each pot and placed it against a south—or southwest-facing wall (I placed mine against my foundation). I watered them thoroughly. And then I didn’t water again until the leaves appeared, and only if needed. Within a month, I have leaves and a decent root structure for each tuber. I then plant them where they will live for the summer. 

Give it a try, and let us know if you have any other planting tricks to jump start the growing season.

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