Gardening Answers

Local Garden Walks

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

I spent this past weekend in Buffalo, NY at a garden walk where 300+ people had their gardens open.  What kind of events are like this in the Southeast?


  1. user-7821942 | | #1

    The Pitt County Arboretum (North Carolina) hosts a monthly, regularly scheduled garden tour on site during the growing season. Called Northside Walks, a recent tour featured "Plants You Won't Find in Your Neighbor's Yard" while the topic this month is "Plants That Star in the Shade". The arboretum is at the Pitt County Agricultural Extension office and is hosted by the Extension Agent. The gardens are maintained by the Pitt County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers who also help with the monthly walks.

    1. User avater Moderator
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #2

      That sounds Awesome!

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