Gardening Answers

Obsessed with this rose

| Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

If you’re a low-maintenance gardener on the hunt for the perfect climbing rose and you haven’t yet met the extraordinarily vigorous ‘Polka’, you are in for a treat!  It’s so easy to grow, sweetly fragrant, incredibly disease resistant, and boasts charming, ruffled apricot-peachy petals plus strong sturdy stems – making it a fabulous cut flower too.  It’s still blooming like crazy in my NorCal garden in the middle of October, and I am beyond obsessed.  It even seems to be resistant to rose slugs – a particularly annoying pest!
Who else is in love with this rose?

If you have found any other climbing rose that outshines ‘Polka’ please let me know!


  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1


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