Gardening Answers

Snowdrops : What’s the big deal?

Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

Our area is a great area for growing snowdrops (Galanthus).  Snowdrops are an obsession with many gardeners.   One of the first plants to softly announce that spring is truly on its way.  The nodding white  (sometimes green, and yellow) flowers can cover a forest floor, a meadow, or be mixed in a garden bed.   Many galanthophiles (someone crazed about snowdrops) grow them in cold greenhouses, elevated so they can view them up close.   How about your experiences?   I grow over 60 varieties in my garden and have spent a good amount on several special ones.   I love the ideas, the many varieties, and the sharing between fellow galanthus lovers.   Does anyone else in our area collect?

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