Gardening Answers

The Natives are Thirsty!

Dan_Southwest | Posted in Southwest Gardening on

I happened to be in the lushly artificial oasis of Irvine, CA recently, with green lawns, tree-lined streets and fresh coastal air. Only when looking at the surrounding grassy hills, typically emerald green this time of year, would you know that it’s been an unusually dry winter for Southern California and most of the Southwest. Dusty brown grass and shrubs were the rule this time. On my third day there an “atmospheric river” finally inched southward far enough to refresh the coastal hills, but many interior areas only saw a passing shower. 
Driving eastward towards Palm Springs, Phoenix and Tucson, the world was even crispier, saguaros shrinking in accordian-like fashion to half their potential size.
All this to say, if your part of the Southwest has also been dry this winter, even the native plants in your garden will benefit from a good watering. That includes cacti, agaves, and succulents of all kinds. If these are not on your irrigation system, one or two waterings by hand will suffice. With a long hot summer ahead, make sure they go into the season in their best possible condition!
Photos: Desert near Tucson, AZ; dry Inland Empire around Lake Elsinore, CA

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