Gardening Answers

Watering with PVC pipe in ground?

| Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

Has anyone tried this technique with a pvc pipe into the ground to help establish a new tree or shrub? Does it work? Anything I should know about before I try it?



  1. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    I think this can be a good establishment technique in more arid conditions. With most trees and shrubs 90% of the root-mass is going to be in the top 12 inches of soil. Some of the photos you see online show people digging 3 feet down. I don't think this is necessary. I would love to hear what others from your region have to say.

  2. User avater Moderator
    maryannnewcomer | | #2

    The issue with this method is that it trains the tree's root to grow down, versus out. Trees need strong lateral root systems for balance, and structure and to optimize water/rainfall access. As Dr. Pulte said, most of the root mass is in the top 12 inches of the soil, so you should be watering out from the tree, encouraging lateral root development. The tree should sit no deeper than it does in the pot, and only as deep as the rootball. The area around the trunk can be 3 feet or more in diameter. Please, no tree volcanoes. Any mulch should be kept away from the trunk.

  3. User avater Moderator
    maryannnewcomer | | #3

    This is a good planting method:


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