Gardening Answers

What are you still picking?

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

It looks like we’re finally losing the warm temperatures here in Connecticut, but I know many of my vegetable gardening friends are still picking summer produce. It seems so late! I have peppers, green beans, pumpkins, and tomatoes hanging on, but they aren’t exactly in peak condition. What are you still picking?


  1. [email protected] | | #1

    Pole beans (more robust), tomatoes, eggplant (not a good year for peppers), celery, chard and snap peas- yes I finally got the timing right-Yea! Brussels and acorn squash are awaiting harvest. Fall broccoli and cabbage are small but still growing. Three weeks until first frost-it's a race!

    1. User avater Moderator
      Chloe_Moderator | | #2

      That's a pretty full menu! I definitely favor pole beans, too, for their longevity, production, and flavor. When did you plant your peas?

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