Gardening Answers

When you’re hot, you’re hot

maryannnewcomer | Posted in Mountain West Gardening on

I sound like a broken record about the heat, but it is relentless. The forecast for the next 10 days in the mountain states is smokin’ hot. It will be 100 plus degrees during the day, and nighttime temperatures will NOT drop below 70. That creates a problem, particularly for one of our favorite crops: tomatoes. 

Tomatoes have issues with excessive heat, particularly anything above 85 and nights that don’t cool below 70. They use up all their resources to stay alive. At these temperatures, the pollen on the blossoms tends to dry up and isn’t available for pollination, and the blossoms often curl up and fall off.    

I’m not aware of a fix for the weather, so, have some iced tea, and wait for it to cool down a bit.

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