Gardening Answers

Your Top Tomato!

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

‘Celebrity’ makes the cut for me almost every year.  ‘Pineapple’ is my top for making a BLT.  What is your number one tomato variety for the Southeast?  Check the comments for an article on some research done by the University of Tennessee.


  1. User avater Moderator
  2. user-7821942 | | #2

    Carbon is my favorite tomato and was selected favorite by our Master Gardeners last year at our tomato tasting.

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom | | #3

    Early Girl

  4. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #4

    I'm growing black krim for the first time this year.

    1. User avater Moderator
      marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #5

      I love Black Krim too.

    2. User avater Moderator
      marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #8

      I love Black Krim but couldn't find it this year. I am growing Purple Cherokee instead

  5. User avater Moderator
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #6

    In our region I have always been most successful with cherry type tomatos. Sungold is now one of my favorite.

  6. flippersquirrel | | #7

    Brandywine, Sungold, and a local heirloom "Pete Taylor"; an oxheart type, very heavy producer of large fruits. This year I'm also trying a Russian type. I usually also grow a Green Zebra my plant died (I got it too early) and now I'm out of space.

    1. User avater Moderator
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #9

      'sungold' is so good and so productive.

  7. Frankie251 | | #10

    When I saw the topic, I thought, “Celebrity,” then opened the thread and saw you had mentioned it. I’ve been growing Celebrity ever since it won an AAS award back in the ‘80s. It’s hard to beat across the board — disease resistance, production and flavor. I love heirloom tomatoes, but in my sub-tropical climate, they are difficult to grow. Celebrity Plus is a newer hybrid with more disease resistance. I haven’t grown it yet, but have some seeds for spring. I love both Sungold and Sun Sugar for cherry tomatoes, and for production, Sweet 100. I’m going to give Cherokee Purple a go this spring.

    1. User avater Moderator
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #11

      I need to try Celebrity plus!

  8. xtinalngbch | | #12

    Momotaro, hands down. Once you grow them you’ll never go back!

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