Gardening Answers

Zucchini issues

Featheredcook | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

I am having issues with my zucchini plants.  The are producing zucchinis that are liquid on the inside and soft at the end and several of the plants are dying.  I have done raised bed for the first time this year.   The cucumber  tomatoes, eggplant and kale are doing fine.  I have always had a bumper crop of zucchinis (the neighbors love them).  Is anyone having  this issue?  I would appreciate any info or suggestions? Thanks.


  1. User avater Moderator
    Chloe_Moderator | | #1

    Hi! Zucchini fruits that don't get pollinated will rot like that. Blossom end rot is another potential cause, but it sounds like your tomatoes are fine? You said the raised bed is new, so it may be worth testing the soil to be sure nutrients are in balance. For the plants that are dying, could there be squash vine borers in the stem? Do you see frass or oozing on the lower stem? My preferred remedy for borers that are already present is drenching the holes in the stem with BT (bacillus thuringiensis), making sure it gets inside the stem. I've also had top heavy zucchini plants break and then rot in excessive rain years. Because of that, I put cages on mine now.

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