Garden Photo of the Day

The Garden Photo of the Day (GPOD) is a daily blog that features new, inspirational garden images each weekday morning. Over the years, it’s become the first thing thousands of gardeners read with their morning coffee. Think of it as your morning shot of green, garden-y goodness!

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  • path cutting through garden to pool
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Christine’s Award-Winning Garden in Quebec

    Happy Monday GPODers! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. To hopefully keep that loveliness going, we're starting the week with a garden full of bright color, vibrant greenery,…

  • dark and light foliage plants planted with white and pink flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Behind the Scenes at Coastal Maine Botanic Garden, Part 1

    Happy Friday GPODers! For some added inspiration and color to get us through the winter months, our website editor, Christine Alexander, has gone through her own archives to share some…

  • gravel path cutting through lush garden
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD Vignettes: Standout Scenes and a Favorite Vantage Point

    Hi GPODers! It has been a while, but I've finally amassed enough small submissions to compile another GPOD Vignette. If you're new, GPOD Vignettes allow me to share submissions that…

  • summer garden at full bloom
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Chasing Away the Winter Blues with Lee in New York

    Hi GPODers! While we absolutely appreciate the understated beauty of winter gardens here at GPOD, we can also use a dose of summer color to keep our spirits high when…

  • bird perched on a branch during snow storm
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Caroline’s Snow Day in Ontario

    Hi GPODers! Snow can bring all kinds of added challenges to the winter garden. The heavy precipitation and ice that might follow can weigh down shrubs and break tree branches.…

  • stepping stone path leading to patio with container plantings all around
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Karen’s Garden Goes From Blank Slate to Bounty

    Hi GPODers and Happy Monday! We're starting the week off in Oregon, in the garden of Karen and Randy Hopson. Divided into different sections, but all flowing together harmoniously with…

  • various foliage plants planted in an old tree stump
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Cherry in Nancy Heckler’s Garden, Part 4

    Happy Friday GPODers! Sadly, we've reached the end of Cherry Ong's tour of Nancy Heckler's garden in Indianola, Washington. While Nancy's garden has seemingly endless treasures and areas to explore,…

  • bright yellow flowers with small blue flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Cindy’s Top Summer Blooms Northwest Chicago

    Hi GPODers! About a month ago, we took a trip across the pond with Cindy Strickland to Sissinghurst Castle Garden in Kent, UK. While I was compiling the assets and…

  • bright pink peony flower
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Joan’s Garden in Massachusetts

    Hi GPODers! We enjoyed some snow-filled scenes from Tingshu's garden in Massachusetts yesterday, and today we're staying in the state but turning back the clock to some beautiful blooms of…

  • bright chartreuse conifer in the middle of snow covered garden
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Tingshu’s Garden in Winter

    Hi GPODers! We couldn't avoid it forever. No matter how hard we hold onto fall, winter comes rolling along and for many of us that also means snowfall. Today's photos…