Garden Photo of the Day

The Garden Photo of the Day (GPOD) is a daily blog that features new, inspirational garden images each weekday morning. Over the years, it’s become the first thing thousands of gardeners read with their morning coffee. Think of it as your morning shot of green, garden-y goodness!

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  • mass plantings of blue grape hyacinths with yellow daffodils and orange tulips
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Keukenhof

    Keukenhof is an iconic park in Lisse, the Netherlands. It sits in the heart of the bulb-growing region and is an over-the-top showcase of the region's most famous export. These…

  • close up of large white moon flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Favorite White Flowers

    Hi GPODers, This is your editor, Joseph. GPOD submissions are very slow this time of year, with most of us settling in to wait out the winter, so I’m taking…

  • close up of light pink and yellow plumaria flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Flowers From Puerto Rico

    It has been a while since we visited the beautiful Puerto Rican garden of Antigonum Cajan (Filling a Small Garden With Diversity). Today we are looking at some more images…

  • close up of container with red foliage and yellow flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Claudia’s Condo Garden

    Today’s photos are from Claudia Meyer. I am living in a new condo on the opposite side of a park in southeastern Wisconsin. We have a berm that the builder…

  • garden in spring with tree covered in pink flowers and yellow tulips
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Zone 4 Beauty

    Today we’re visiting with Matthew Kunnari, who gardens in chilly Zone 4 in northern Minneapolis. Grass flowers are wind pollinated, so they lack the showy large petals of those that…

  • close up of tiny Japanese primrose flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Bog Garden at Hatley Castle

    We’re traveling with Cherry Ong today, going through time as well as in space to visit the bog garden at Hatley Castle. The castle is a historic site in Victoria,…

  • close up of Flame azalea with orange flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Hot Flowers Worth Growing

    January is a good time to look back at other times in the garden, and today, with the winter cold and snow all around, I thought I’d take a look…

  • close up of light pink flowers with yellow centers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Unusual Beauties From Wiley

    Today’s photos are from Wiley Bennett in Charlotte, North Carolina. Shooting star (Dodecatheon meadia, Zones 4–8) is a beautiful and not too commonly grown native wildflower. Tiarella cordifolia (Zones 4–9)…

  • large bouquet of pink, purple, and white flowers
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Tracy’s Flower Farm

    Hi, I'm Tracy Sundby—mom, wife, homemaker, and avant gardener extraordinaire in Stanwood, Washington. These last two years have brought a profound awakening to my soul. I became a mother, battled…

  • bridge over small creek that leads to tropical villa
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Radjagaluh, Indonesia

    Today’s photos are from Bas Suharto and were taken on a trip to Indonesia. (For photos of Bas's beautiful front garden, check out Parterre Garden in Ottawa) I stayed a…