Garden Photo of the Day

The Garden Photo of the Day (GPOD) is a daily blog that features new, inspirational garden images each weekday morning. Over the years, it’s become the first thing thousands of gardeners read with their morning coffee. Think of it as your morning shot of green, garden-y goodness!

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  • rock garden with deep pink flowers in late summer
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Karen’s Oregon Garden Through the Seasons

    Hi GPODers! Today we get to see another garden transform over the course of the last year. (If you missed yesterday's 2024 garden highlights, check that out here: Phyllis’s Garden…

  • small cottage in garden
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Highlights from Phyllis’s Garden in New Jersey

    Hi GPODers! Today we're visiting Phyllis Strohmeyer in northwestern New Jersey. Last year, Phyllis sent us a fabulous garden year-in-review (The Year That Was in Northwestern New Jersey), and she's making…

  • large boulder next to small evergreens
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Bill and Dawn’s Farm Gardens in Ontario

    Happy Monday GPODers! We see gardens large and small here on GPOD, but it's not every day we get to see gardens on a 76-acre farm. Today, we're heading north…

  • black mondo grass around green grass in a yellow pot
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Fall at Heronswood Garden, Part 2

    Happy Friday GPODers! Yesterday we started Cherry Ong's series on her recent trip to Heronswood Garden in Kingston, Washington with her photos of their bog garden (Part 1). Today we…

  • bog garden with vine covered arches behind
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Fall at Heronswood Garden, Part 1

    Hi GPODers! In yesterday's post on Cherry Ong's sensational fall garden (A Cold but Colorful November in Cherry’s Garden), I mentioned the other series of photos she shared from the…

  • red Japanese maple with chartreuse grass below
    Garden Photo of the Day

    A Cold but Colorful November in Cherry’s Garden

    Hi GPODers! A few weeks ago we got to see Cherry Ong's beautiful garden in Richmond, British Columbia, as the summer was just starting to wind down in August (Cherry’s…

  • bright red daylily
    Garden Photo of the Day

    A Look Back at Beth’s Early Summer Garden

    Hi GPODers! After my call for submissions last week, I was thrilled to see so many familiar names flooding the GPOD inbox with pictures from their gardens. Yesterday, we saw…

  • view of mountain across from garden
    Garden Photo of the Day

    Kaleidoscopic Magic In Jay’s Autumn Garden

    Happy Monday GPODers! If you've been following GPOD, subscribed to Fine Gardening magazine, or following any of our socials for a while, you've seen Jay Sifford's incredible garden and designs…

  • Incrediball smooth hydrangea in summer garden bed
    Garden Photo of the Day

    GPOD on the Road: Bar Harbor in July

    Happy Friday GPODers! First, I want to say a huge thank you to all who sent in submissions after my call to do so yesterday. You are all the people…

  • fall garden with hydrangea macrophylla incrediball
    Garden Photo of the Day

    A Few Favorite Fall Gardens from GPOD

    Hi GPODers! It's that time of year again! Leaves are falling or trees are already completely bare, temperatures continue to drop, gardens are winding down and prepped for the winter…