In the genus Cataranthus are eight species of annuals and perennials from Madagascar with 5-petaled flowers that resemble periwinkles. Vinca are popular summer bedding plants, and they can also be used in containers, in a cool greenhouse, or as houseplants. Grow in a bed or border in frost-free regions.
Noteworthy Characteristics5-petaled, periwinkle-like flowers.
CareGrow in well-drained soil of moderate fertility in full sun or partial shade. Indoors, grow in full light in an area with good ventilation. Water sparingly in winter.
PropagationSow seed at 55° to 64°F in early spring. Root softwood cuttings in late spring or semi-ripe cuttings in summer.
ProblemsAerial blights, stem rot, leaf spots, aster yellows, tomato spotted wilt virus. Dodder is common in some regions. Under glass, watch for spider mites and whiteflies.