Members of the genus Cistus are evergreen shrubs grown for their showy, saucer-shaped white to dark pink flowers, usually 5-petaled and borne singly or in terminal or axillary clusters from early to late summer.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsNative to dry, stony, or rocky soils in the Canary Islands, North Africa, Turkey, and southern Europe. Species vary in leaf shape and color, bloom size and color. Often short-lived. Blooms last one day.
CarePoor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in a sheltered site in full sun. Plant after danger of frost has passed. Tolerates alkaline soils. Pinch back after flowering to encourage a bushy habit. Grow in a shrub border, on sunny banks, at the base of a wall, around paved areas, or in containers.
PropagationRoot softwood or greenwood cuttings in summer.