In the genus Juniperus are evergreen, coniferous shrubs and trees of about 50 or 60 species that originate in the dry forests and hillsides of the Northern hemisphere.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsAttractive foliage and, sometimes, cones. Junipers are tolerant of a wide variety of sites and have many uses, including in the rock garden and as groundcovers or specimens.
CareWell-drained soil of any type, full sun or very light shade. Very little if any pruning needed.
PropagationJunipers are difficult to grow from seed, as germination is very slow, so take ripe cuttings in late fall through winter and root in a humid cold frame. Or take softwood cuttings in summer and place under mist with bottom heat.
ProblemsLeaf miners, bark beetles, scale insects, aphids, mites, and caterpillars (especially bagworms) are common, while Phomopsis twig blight, cedar-apple rust, dieback and canker, lesion nematodes, brown felt blight, and a variety of heart and wood rots are very common.