The genus Knautia is comprised of annuals and perennials in at least 40 species grown for their flowers that resemble the pincushion blooms of Scabiosa . Foliage grows in rosette form and often overwinters. Flowers are long-lasting and attract bees. Use Knautia in a border, cottage or cut flower garden, or wild garden. These plants are native to Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia, and North Africa.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsFlowers resemble the pincushion flowerheads of Scabiosa . Attracts bees. Good cut and dried flowers.
CareNeeds full sun and well-drained soil that is preferably alkaline.
PropagationIn spring, sow seed in containers in a cold frame or take basal cuttings.
ProblemsAphids are common pests.