Larix is a genus of about a dozen deciduous, coniferous trees that have much to offer gardens, including bright yellow to red fall color. Leaves are shaped like needles and are especially attractive when young. Female cones are usually purple at first, eventually turning brown, while male cones are round and pink or yellow. After leaf drop, larch often having interesting winter silhouettes. Grow them as specimens.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsGreat fall color. Spirals of needle-like leaves. Adaptable to a variety of growing conditions.
CareTolerant of most any deep, well drained soil in full sun.
PropagationSowing seed in early spring or grafting plants in winter are the best options, since cuttings are reluctant to root.
ProblemsLarch are prone to needle blight, needle cast, rust, and cankers, while caterpillars, sawflies, and aphids can be problems as well.