The Metasequoia genus has been preserved in fossils as old as 50 million years. M. glyptostroboides was discovered in the wild in China in 1941, and it is the only species in this genus. It is grown for its conical form, interesting orangish brown bark, and soft, bright green leaves. The foliage turns shades of gold or red in the fall before dropping to the ground. Dawn redwood can grow in waterlogged soil, and it makes a beautiful large specimen tree.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsDeciduous conifer. Good fall color. Tolerates wet soil. Fast grower. Metasequoia were thought extinct until 1941.
CareSite in moist but well-drained, organically rich soil in full sun.
PropagationSow seed in fall, root hardwood cuttings in winter, or take semi-ripe cuttings in midsummer.
ProblemsGenerally trouble-free.