Several dozen species of clumping, decidous perennials from meadows in North America and Eurasia make up this genus. The attractive leaves are finely cut and ferny, and the flowers appear almost oversized on the diminutive plants. Blooms are cup-shaped or bell-shaped, sometimes pendent, and are followed by seedheads that appear covered in silvery threads. Grow Pulsatilla where they can be appreciated up close, especially in a rock garden.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsFerny leaves, silky flowers, and plumed seedheads.
CareNeeds very well-drained, fertile soil in full sun. They resent being transplanted. Can also be grown in an alpine house.
PropagationAs soon as seed is ripe, sow in an open frame, or take root cuttings in winter.
ProblemsSlugs and snails may eat new growth.